Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Day 2

Chelsea here again.

I am way exhausted so this will be short and might not make sense.

Today was pretty crazy and draining.

Good news-Josh and Brian both got up and walked around a bit! On day 2!

The second time Josh got up (yes he walked twice!) his oxygen levels did something and his heart rate went up. This caused a lot of concern. They were worried about a blood clot so they brought in some stuff to his room to do an EKG and a chest xray. Those came back fine, but because they are exra cautious with donors they sent him for a CT. If you all remember Josh's post about robo-ray, you'll remember he wasnt a big fan of the ct scan. They wheeled him down in his bed and did it all and everything came back fine. The only thing they saw was a bit of a colapse at the bottom of his lungs which isnt unusual for donors. He just has to keep using this crazy blowing thing to excerise deep breathing and opening up his lungs.

That in itself was tiring. Later on I left the room for the first time the whole day to go eat some dinner. I was gone maybe 20 min. When I got back I walked into to Josh holding his heart monitor things in his hand while the whole room beeped. His IV started beeping so he went to call his nurse with the call button, only she forgot to give it to him. So he called for her. She didnt hear him. So, being the smart boy he is, he pulled all his heart monitor things off his chest so that it would start beeping and she would come. Only she still didnt come. When I found her she was down at the other end of the hall. The thing with the Step Down Unit is it is set up so there is 1 nurse for 2 patients. The other patient being right next door to Josh. They are usually sitting at their desk infront of his room, and if not they are next door with their one other patient. What she was doing at the end of the hall is beyond me. When she came back in she kinda got mad at Josh for pulling off the heart monitor things. He replied "well you werent coming, so I figured if I pulled these off you'd think I was dead and come running".

Dont worry, I reported her. Josh has a great evening nurse though. Go Marc! (Marc with a C, Josh keeps saying).

Oh ya, if one person wasnt enough to worry about...

During Linda's visit today with Brian, she noticed some blood coming from his nose tube that goes down to his stomach . She told the nurse who said "ya thats not normal". Im not sure of the exact details, but they did some tests and are suspecting a blood clot. If that is the case he will need another surgery to fix it. Maybe even sometime in the night.

Besides that Brian is doing great! His liver count is down (it was up when he had liver failure) which means Joshs liver is working. I went to see him with Becks right before we left tonight and he was so happy! I told him Josh looked great and he put his fist in the air and said "Thank you Jesus!". Havent seen him like that in months! He kept asking "how do I look?" and when we told him great he said "I wanna see myself!". So Becky pulled out her compact and let him take a look. His eyes lit up and he said "WOW!!! Look at that!!! Thats incredible!! I look great!". He was SOOO happy. That was SO amazing to see!

He asked us to pray that he would have a good sleep tonight. Also pray for this blood clot and that it would get fixed and he would continue to heal well.
There are still risks for both of them, so everyone keep praying! Everything is good so far, but its not over yet.

Ok sleep.


Anonymous said...

Hi Chelsea! (and Josh and Brian and family!)

Royce and I have been praying and thinking of Josh, Brian, and you too! over the past two days. All day Monday I puttered around the house and Josh and Brian were never far from my thoughts and prayer.

I think Royce might understand a bit of what you went through, as he watched me wheeled into the OR recently to have my C-Section for William. It is never easy to see your loved one scared, and not be able to help, and you sound like you were so strong for Josh!

I was crying tears of relief when I read that everything is ok so far. I smiled when I read about him joking, and about his sweet gift to you when he went into the OR.

Like I told Josh in my email to him a few days ago, he has influenced me more than he realizes, and with his sharing of the journey you have all shared together, I am inspired again. Thank you for allowing us to be part of the journey, to encourage and lift you up as best we know how, in prayer, and experience some of the emotion that Josh has transmitted through in his writing.

Rest well Josh and Brian, and we can't wait to see you back at Bethel again.

Oh hey, my verification word is "fixed". How apropos!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for keeping us updated Chelsea!

We can't wait to see them both recover!